Hernias and Urologists

What Causes A Hernia?

HerniaA hernia is the result of a weak spot in the abdominal wall. When pressure increases in the abdomen, part of the intestine may protrude through a defect in the abdominal wall. The swelling or lump seen with a hernia is actually part of the intestine that has escaped outside of the abdominal cavity.

Sometimes, the hernia can become trapped, and the blood flow may be obstructed, resulting in strangulation. This will cause severe pain, and eventual death of that section of intestine. This is a surgical emergency.

Hernia Symptoms

Inguinal hernias are often treated by a urologist. About 25% of hernias result in pain and discomfort. Sometimes, you will see swelling at the junction of the thigh and the groin, or you may have pain, when your intestine descends into the scrotum. This can also result in swelling in the scrotum. Sometimes, you may only notice your hernia when you are straining during a bowel movement, lifting something heavy, coughing, or sneezing. This can force the herniated intestine through the weak spot in your abdominal wall, because of the increased pressure in the abdomen.

If you are experiencing symptoms of a hernia, you should call Dr. Yaniv Larish, one of New York’s top urologists, for a consultation. Symptoms of a hernia can progress, and may result in strangulation. It’s important to have a urology doctor examine your hernia. Dr. Larish can recommend the best treatment for you.

Hernia Treatment

If you have a hernia, a surgical repair is necessary to strengthen the abdominal wall. Surgery can be performed through a small incision in the groin area. An experienced urologist can perform your hernia repair safely and successfully. Laparoscopic surgery may be a consideration for your hernia repair.

What Should I Expect After Surgery?

After surgery for a hernia repair, you will have some soreness, which your doctor will treat with medication, but after a week, you should no longer require any pain medicines. Your activity will be restricted for a couple of weeks, and you may have some swelling in the area for a short period of time. Hernia surgery is successful 99% of the time in prevention of a recurrence. If you think you may have a hernia, you should seek the care of an expert urologist. Dr. Yaniv Larish has successfully treated many patients with hernia repair. Call the top New York urology doctor today at 212-675-3186 to schedule your consultation.

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