Urologist for UTI NYC

Do you need an urologist for UTI? If you have a urinary tract infection, or believe that you do, it is often best for you to seek out the help of a doctor. An urologist specializes in the treatment of all types of conditions related to the urinary tract. A UTI can be an important problem to have a specialist to look at since it can be very painful and it can lead to complications if you do not treat it quickly and effectively. What should you know about an urologist for UTIs?

What Is a UTI?

A urinary tract infection occurs when bacteria enters into the urinary tract and is not immediately treated by the body. This leads to inflammation. The urinary tract is made up of your kidneys and the tubes that move urine from your kidneys to your bladder as well as those that lead the urine out of your body. Generally, urine is sterile. However, bacteria can enter into these tubes and, when it does, it can create a painful infection.

What Is Causing Your UTI?

To see the importance of having UTIs treated, it is important to know what can bring them on. Often times, these conditions themselves need treatment to ensure you remain healthy. Some conditions that can cause a UTI include:

  • Diabetes
  • Sexual activity
  • Having a catheter
  • Being present in a nursing home or hospital setting where bacteria levels are higher
  • Having some type of abnormality in the urinary tract system
  • Previous surgeries
  • Kidney and bladder stones

When Should You Go to the Doctor?

If you think you may have a urinary tract infection, it is best to turn to your doctor right away. The most common symptom is a burning sensation especially during urination. If it hurts to use the restroom, chances are good there is a problem present. If you have any type of urinary tract pain, it is best to turn to an urologist. Though a family doctor can help with treatment options, a urologist is a must for anyone that has suffered from UTIs frequently or that are suffering from any that is serious and creating a significant amount of pain.

If you have pain and you believe you may have a urinary tract infection, contact the best urologist in New York City by scheduling an appointment and consultation with our team today. Call us at 212-675-3186!

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