Sphincter Incontinence

How Do You Control Bladder Flow? 

Bladder control results from use of three sets of muscles. The bladder itself makes up one of these muscle sets, and the muscles of the pelvic floor support the rectum and bladder. The bladder sphincter muscles open and close the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside. If your sphincter muscles are not working, you may be experiencing urinary incontinence. This can occur in both men and women, and affects over 30 million Americans. The urinary sphincter must remain closed until you are ready to release urine when you decide to urinate. When you are ready to urinate, nerve signals will go from the bladder to the brain and back to signal the muscles of the bladder to relax and the sphincter muscles to release control of the ureter. Control of urination depends upon both the brain and the muscles that respond to nerve signals.

What is Sphincter Incontinence? 

There are several different types of incontinence, which can be correctly diagnosed by simple tests that are performed by urologist, a doctor that specializes in diseases and disorders of the genitourinary tract. Urge incontinence can result from bladder irritability, infection, spinal cord damage, and brain injury, but may also be the result of a sphincter malfunction. If you have urge incontinence, you will suddenly experience an uncontrollable urge to urinate, followed by involuntary urination. If your urge incontinence results from a problem with the bladder sphincter, your urologist will determine that and may recommend medications, exercises, or bladder training. If you have severe symptoms of incontinence that are the result of a sphincter dysfunction, and you are unable to achieve resolution with more conservative therapies, you may be a candidate for implantation of an artificial sphincter.

Sphincter incontinence can result in embarrassment and may affect your relationships and your self-esteem. Incontinence can result in damp clothing, skin irritation, and diaper rash. It can curtail many enjoyable activities. If you are experiencing any type of incontinence, it’s important to consult a specialist. Drs. Brodherson and Larish are New York’s top urology doctors, and has years of experience treating many patients successfully with resolution of their incontinence. Call today to schedule an appointment to discuss evaluation and treatment of your incontinence. Our staff will be happy to assist you with this uncomfortable and disruptive problem.

Call 212-675-3186 to schedule your appointment with Drs. Brodherson and Larish an, New York’s top urology doctors.

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