Female Pelvic Pain

Female pelvic pain is pain below a woman’s navel and is considered chronic if it lasts more than 6 months.  The pain can vary in intensity from woman to woman.  Some may have mild pain which comes and goes, while others have a steady, unrelenting pain that can become so severe it interferes with their quality of life.

Common Causes of Female Pelvic Pain

•     Reproductive system conditions such as; Endometriosis, Adenomyosis or uterine fibroids.
•    Scar tissue due to an infection, injury or surgery to the pelvic region.
•    Urinary tract or bowel diseases- irritable bowel syndrome, bladder irritation, bladder stones and kidney stones.
•    Tumors, growths, or cysts of the reproductive system or bladder.

Sometimes the causes of pelvic pain remain unknown even after testing has been done by your urologist doctor.  Even after an injury or surgery of the pelvic region has healed the affected nerves can keep sending pain signal to your brain.  The nerves become confused.

Diagnosis of Pelvic Pain

During your first visit to see your urology doctor, your urologist will do a pelvic examination to look for problems of your reproductive system.
Other tests may include:
•    Urine and blood tests to test for urinary tract infections
•    A pregnancy test
•    Sexually transmitted disease testing

Finding the cause and treating pelvic pain can be a long tedious process.  If your urologist discovers a reason for your pelvic pain they may prescribe:
•    Birth control pills or hormones to regulate your periods
•    Surgery to remove a tumor, growth or cyst located in your reproductive system
•    Over-the-counter medication to relieve pain, such as ibuprofen, naproxen which you will take on a regular basis, not just when you have pain and/or antibiotics to cure an infection and for some medication for anxiety may be required.

If you have been suffering from pelvic pain, please contact our office today to schedule an appointment with the best urology doctor in NYC.

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