Prevent Erectile Dysfunction

Is it possible to prevent erectile dysfunction? For many men, the thought of suffering through this condition is significant. They worry about what it may mean or what type of risk they could face. For others, they have suffered episodes of erectile dysfunction in the past and they do not want to have to go through that process again. The good news is there may be steps you can take to reduce the risk that you’ll suffer from this condition. For this to happen, though, you’ll need to be proactive and you may need to work with your doctor to ensure your safety.

What Should You Do About Your Diet?

One of the most common causes of ED is a poor diet. Some doctors recommend that you improve your diet to see improvement in ED or to help to prevent it from occurring. If you’re consuming a diet that’s bad for your heart, it can cause ED to occur. To avoid this, eat foods that are rich in nutrients such as fruits and vegetables. Reduce the amount of red meat you consume. Avoid foods that are processed or those that have a great deal of fat content. These foods create plaque along the interior of the arteries and that makes it hard for blood to flow from the heart to the penis, causing ED.

What Should You Do About Your Health?

There are additional risk factors related to your overall health that could lead to erectile dysfunction. The fact is, the healthier you are, the healthier your heart is. That means that if you have any of these risk factors, working to improve or control them can help reduce your risk of ED. This includes:

  • Avoiding high blood pressure
  • Reduce your body weight and maintain a healthy weight
  • Reduce or control high cholesterol
  • Ensure your testosterone levels are at the right levels
  • Avoid smoking and anabolic steroids

You may need medication or lifestyle changes to reduce these risks. You’ll also find that reducing the amount of alcohol you drink and getting regular exercise can also help you to prevent ED from occurring.

By taking these steps, you’ll be able to potentially reduce your risk of developing erectile dysfunction and even improve any symptoms that you may have right now. If you are suffering these conditions or want specific prevention tips, contact the best urologist in NYC today.

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