What Is a Cystoscopy?

If you have urological symptoms, a cystoscopy is one of the diagnostic procedures that may be recommended to help identify the problem, and move forward with the best course of treatment. Here, we take a look at what a cystoscopy involves, what it is used to look for, and what to expect if you are booked in for one.

How is a Cystoscopy Performed?

A cystoscopy is carried out by inserting a very thin tube, which has lights and lenses, into the urethra. This is called a cystoscope, and it allows the urologist to see an image of the areas the lenses are looking at on a screen. The tube is passed up the urethra and into the bladder. Once the light and lenses on the tip of the tube are inside the bladder, a sterile saline solution is infused through the cystoscope, filling the bladder up so that its inner walls can be seen more clearly. The urologist can inspect the bladder and urethra in detail using this procedure, and it can also be possible to take small cell samples using the cystoscope which can be used for further diagnostic work.

What Kind of Conditions Can a Cystoscopy Help Diagnose?

Cystoscopies are usually recommended when the patient has urinary problems that cannot be accurately attributed through urine tests and less invasive observations. The cystoscopy can detect blockages like bladder stones, and abnormalities in the bladder and urethral walls, for example urethral strictures.

What to Expect When You Go for a Cystoscopy

A cystoscopy is almost always done as an outpatient procedure, unless one is prescribed during a hospital stay for a related condition. It only takes five to ten minutes to complete the cystoscopy, and you may be given local anesthetics to reduce any discomfort you may feel during the procedure.

It may be possible for a diagnosis to be made just on the observations of the bladder from the cystoscopy, or you may have to wait for a sample to be processed or be referred for other tests. Once your issues have been diagnosed and isolated, it will be possible to find a way to treat your symptoms or cure your condition.

If you need a cystoscopy, or are having bladder and urination problems you would like help with, please don’t hesitate to make an appointment so we can start you back of the path to wellness!

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