Peyronie’s Disease 

What is Peyronie’s disease and could it be impacting your health? This condition involves the development of scar tissue in the penis. With the presence of this scar tissue, there is also a painful, curved erection. The condition can occur in many men and happens more commonly in men over the age of 40. While the shape of a man’s penis varies significantly from one person to the next, this condition occurs when there is a change in the shape of the penis. This condition can often prevent men from having sex or may make it hard, or impossible, to maintain an erection. This can lead to ED.

What Are the Symptoms of Peyronie’s Disease?

peyronie'sIn men, Peyronie’s disease can come on suddenly or develop over time. Generally, the symptoms of this condition include:

  • A significant bend in the penis, which could include bending upward, downward or to one side.
  • Some men notice narrowing or indentations or even an hourglass shape.
  • Scar tissue development is common. This can be felt under the skin of the penis. It may be a band-like feel or a flat lump.
  • Pain is also a common symptom, though not all men have pain with an erection.
  • A shortening of the penis is common because of the curvature.
  • Most men with this condition suffer erection problems including getting and maintaining it.

What Causes Peyronie’s disease?

Doctors aren’t fully sure what causes this condition to occur in some men and not others. Generally, it is thought to be the result of repeated injury to the penis, such as damage occurring during sex, an accident or athletic activity. Most men don’t remember a specific traumatic event causing it.

What Treatments Are Available for Peyronie’s Disease?

There are several treatment options available for many men suffering from this condition. Your doctor will pursue treatment if the curvature is large enough, if you cannot have sex without pain, if you have pain during erections or if you have poor erectile function overall. Treatment options may include medications, surgery, and penile implants.

If you believe you are suffering from Peyronie’s disease, it is important to schedule an appointment with an urologist to discuss the condition at length. This isn’t something to put off or to feel embarrassed about since millions of men suffer from this condition. To learn more about your condition, call the best urologist in NYC today at 212-675-3186.

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