About Urethroplasty 

Have you thought about urethroplasty and wondered if it was an option in your case? Some men will undergo an urethroplasty as a way to manage their urethral stricture, also known as scar. Your doctor may recommend this procedure if you are having problems with your urinary tract. It can be helpful in reducing urinary symptoms in many men. It’s important for you to discuss your case with your doctor to fully understand if this is a procedure that is right for you. Learning about urethroplasty is often the first step in this process.

What Options Are Available in Urethroplasty?

The term urethroplasty refers to any type of procedure in which there is a repair of scars involving surgery. The most common form is a simple, one-stage repair. However, there are additional options available depending on the location of the scar as well as the length of it. Doctors may consider other options such as:

  • Excision of the stricture, as a first step, and then the reconnection of the urethra
  • A graft reconstruction procedure performed after the excision
  • Or a graft reconstruction procedure used as an only option

In many cases, the one stage repair is the most common. Only about 10 percent of men will need to have a multi stage procedure, which means there will be several procedures performed over a year.

What Can This Procedure Do For You?

While everyone’s needs and outcomes will differ, most men see benefits from this procedure. Generally, about 90 percent of men are cured of their urinary symptoms. Some men will need more complex repairs and others will see little improvement. However, most men will learn of their potential benefits when speaking with their doctor.

What Are the Risks?

There are some risks associated with urethroplasty, as there are with any type of surgical procedure. The most common are those related to anesthesia, infection, and blood loss. Some men may have pain in the area and others suffer chronic conditions. This is not common. Some men will experience changes in sexual function. However, it is uncommon for poor quality erections or penile shortening, as well as curvature or ejaculation changes to occur.

For men that may have a need for urethroplasty, it is important to talk to an experienced doctor who specializes in this type of care. Contact our offices in NYC to learn more about your options and needs.

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